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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life Is All About Choices

Our life is completely made up of the choices we make.  I know...we've all heard that before.  I sit here thinking back to just 5 years ago.  I would soon be entering into my last semester in college.  I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  That Bachelor's in Biology that seemed so hard to get was going to be mine!  It was a LONG, hard road as I was a single mother working up to 48 hours a week (night shift at that.) 

Years before I had watched a movie called "Outbreak" and I wanted more than anything to be an Epidemiologist for the CDC in Atlanta.  I wanted to be in the action and be a part of something big.  And that became my plan.  I was Atlanta bound come May 2006 when I had that beloved degree in my hand. Well...we all know that the ACTUAL paper doesn't come until months later.  However, the symbolic degree they hand you worked just fine for me. 

Come January 2006 I took on 21 hours so that I could graduate that semester.  I was in a zone - a get the hell out of this college zone.  Dating and partying were not in the cards for me.  Then I met Wesley.  I still remember it like it was yesterday.  We had a lab together and became lab partners on the first day. We just clicked.  I didn't want to start dating anyone - I had plans.  He said he didn't want to either.  So we agreed to just be friends.  We spent every waking moment together and the being "just friends" thing was hard.  Then one night he showed up at my house and said that he couldn't live with just being my friend.  And that's when I made the decision that maybe this Atlanta life wasn't exactly what I really wanted.  Maybe, just maybe, I wanted to be a part of something else.  I was in love and now wanted nothing more than to be with him - I wanted to be wherever he was. 

I chose to stay in the quaint city of Savannah.  Now, we have 3 absolutely beautiful children who fill our lives with so much joy and peace and a very happy marriage.  I look back and think - Pffft...Atlanta Schmanta...who needs it?  I have the love of a man who adores me and is home with me every night.  He also thinks it's cute when I get sassy.  Those kinds of guys are really hard to come by. ;o)

I was driving down one of these beautiful Savannah roads yesterday and looked up through the moss laden trees at the sun peeking through.  I had to take a picture.  And I realize just how very happy I am to have made the choices I did.  I love living in Savannah and now can't really see myself living anywhere else.

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