Being a Stay at Home Mom really isn't as easy as some think. Yes, I get to stay home. All of this "sleeping in" and "hanging out" business is nonsense. I very honestly have not had a full night's sleep in many years. Between 3 children at least one of them wakes up each night. I get up and take care of them because I don't want my hubby tired at work. Not to mention how crazy my day is with two small ones who are constantly into everything.
Madison raided the fridge and was gnawing on a huge block of cheese. Shes's a little rat.
Conner chowing down on his grilled cheese "samich."
Mitch in his messy room.
Madison has a style that's all her own.
Yesterday I made pancakes, bacon and eggs. After breakfast I was marveling at how Madison was stroking Conner's hair. She was gently running her fingers through his hair and patting his head. I watched her for a minute. I loved how she was loving on her brother. I finally said "Awww...Madison is loving on Conner. That's my sweet little monkey." She said "No. I was just making his head sticky." She had syrup all over her hands from the pancakes. *Sigh* Into the bath they both go and that was only at 8am.
My day is filled with some kind of chaos from sun up to sun down. It's the kind of chaos where you are so busy feeding little ones, doing laundry and picking up teeny tiny toys that might find their way into little mouths that you totally forget to eat. By 3 pm I'm wondering what the hell is up with my stomach? Why is it aching so much? Oh yeah, it might help if I eat a sandwich or something. I don't get sick days and I can't take a day off. It's full blown devotion. I might not get paid for my job, but it sure is rewarding and I am grateful that I get to experience this in life.
We got our seeds in the mail on Saturday - I got them for FREE this year! Well, I got some of them for free. I still need to get my herb seeds. It won't be long before we start planting and I'm excited. There's just something rewarding about feeding your family with food you grew yourself. I like getting my hands dirty and working in the garden each day. It's hard work, but good work. Maybe I should get a pair of overalls...
I recently started a new project. When I was in high school I found this old chest at an antique store. The tag had $50 written on it and I talked them down to $20. I had bought myself a piece of history for a really great price. Yes, I was a strange teenager who frequented local antique shops looking for treasures. Due to the lack of space in the house I placed it in Madison's room with a quilt over it as a catch all. I inherited an old handmade quilt from my great, great grandmother (yes, it's a little dirty - I'm scared to wash it.) The quilt is falling apart in places because it's so old. So, my new project is to line my old trunk that I've had for 17 years with my great, great grandmother's quilt. And in time this will become Madison's trunk. I think it's gonna be cool!
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